19 years of excellence

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VietMark - Interesting and meaningful sid course


Under the explosionof information technology and social networks nowadays, the definition of social media and Marketing Online isno longer strangeand now it becomes popular in our life. Understanding the importance of this, as well as the slogan "A new way of thinking" of VietMark.

VietMark - Interesting and meaningful sid course

Program outline

Under the explosionof information technology and social networks nowadays, the definition of social media and Marketing Online isno longer strangeand now it becomes popular in our life. Understanding the importance of this, as well as the slogan "A new way of thinking" of VietMark, VietMark staffs are constantly changing, constantly learning to reach the higher level, members of VietMark Team havespent 2 days of weekend to participatein the course “System Internet Marketing Director”.

Despite continuing learning in 2 days from08:00 to 21:00, butall members of VietMarkTeam did not feel tired, but otherwise everyone could aware of the full energyand enthusiasm because everyone was very eager to learn, communicate, make friendsand relax. 
The course brought to VietMarkTeam the new knowledge which was very useful, interesting and practical significance forMarketing Online. After completing the course, each member of the VietMark Team promisedto apply the new knowledge, and together build a stronger and more developing Vietmark, a Vietmark with full of energy and passion.
VietMark -Quyền

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2 hours - 8 hours

Indoors - Outdoors

Competives - Collaborative

Minimum: 10

Maximun: unlimited

Key Bennefit

  • Corporate team building
  • Convey messages from management.
  • Receive / collect feedback
  • Test a new idea in simulations before applying them in reality
  • Active and Healthy Entertainment
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60 Truong Van Bang,
Binh Trung Tay ward, Thu Duc City


(028) 5404 5404 / 0903907686
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